Mit Unterstützung des Umweltförderprogramms LIFE+ der Europäischen Union

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„Manscheider Bachtal und Paulushof“ (Municipality of Hellenthal)

„The area comprises the widely ramified system of waters of the creek of Manscheid east of Manscheid as well as the extensively used pasture land on the plateau around Hecken and Paulushof. The system of the creek comprises mainly open valleys dominated by multi-farious, meager till wet grasslands with prevailing naturally meandering courses of streams and alders forming fringes of riparian woodland. Furthermore several natural marshy meadows are existing. The plateaus are surrounded by species-rich, extensively used hay meadows and pastures. Nardus grasslands, marshy meadows, bogs and moors and also pastures of Meum athamanticum appear in small-scale in the area.  

Due to the formation, dimension and natural proximity of the montane hay meadows the area has a dominating importance. Moreover this flowing water is a well developed representative creek of the uplands (mid-mountains) with a very good water quality and in this region nowadays rare appearance of the crayfish (Astacus astacus). The foodplains are characterized by extensively used wet grasslands and tall herbaceous vegetation. In some places small areas of mat grass preserved.

Goal of development is the conservation and optimization of the extended, multifarious and well characterized montane hay meadows by extensive use, furthermore the conservation and optimization of the natural watercourse system with its source area and extensively used wet grassland (“

The project area in the Municipality of Hellenthal