Mit Unterstützung des Umweltförderprogramms LIFE+ der Europäischen Union

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„Baasemer Wald“ (Municipality of Dahlem)

The area „Baasemer Wald” is located on the siliceous plateau of the Eifel between Baasem and Berk. It is a complex of relatively large-area Nardus grasslands, wet heathlands and montane hay meadows interspersed with vast spruce forests. They are residues of the expanded heaths which existed at the end of the 19th century.

The „Baasemer Wald“ represents the even now maintained core area of the formerly large-area common pasture land between Baasem and Berk. Especially the excellent formed Nardus grasslands with their numerous use- and location-related variants and its perfectly preserved species composition – with distributions of several in the Rhenish Massif almost extinct species – are to be emphasized. Moreover extended montane hay meadows with characteristic composition of species and in a very good, partly brilliant state of preservation are to be reckoned. Inside the forest several wet heaths with vegetation typical for the landscape are located. The biggest one is in an excellent condition of cultivation.

Furthermore the manifold existence of the Pseudorchis albida in Nardus grasslands and heathlands are highlighting. In the whole of the other Rhenish Massif are nowadays only two known proofs.
Primary goals of the development are the conservation and optimization of the residues of a complex of biotops comprising wet heaths, Nardus grasslands, nutrient-poor grasslands and pastures with their countrywide significant occurrence or species. Renaturation of wet heaths in wet spruce plantations which do have an appropriate development potential is another target in the area “Baasemer Wald”. The area nowadays represents a major core area of the natural resources of Nardus grasslands in the Eifel. It has to be accounted as an essential core of restoration and dissemination for endangered species of Nardus grasslands (“

The project area in the Municipality of Dahlem



„Heidemoor am Moorbach“

"The area east of Dahlem, together with the "Heidemoor" and the "Hochmoor am Heidenkopf" (in DE-5605-302), forms the only habitats of this species in the district of Euskirchen. It consists of a valuable biotope complex with well-developed heathland moor areas, peat moss stands and decaying tree bushes as well as the nutrient-poor moor stream with a small alder swamp forest. A dystrophic water body created by damming the moor stream has developed in a near-natural way. Below it lies a large area of moorland. The entire complex is located in an extensive spruce forest. The central part has been cleared of old spruce trees in the course of a clearing of the windthrow area. Here the heather moor has partly already regenerated well.

The "Heidemoor am Moorbach" is one of the few moor occurrences in the eastern Silikateifel. The heather bog, which has been strongly reshaped by spruce planting, still has a high potential for development, as the typical species spectrum is still present. It has regenerated well in the areas cleared of spruce (".

The project area "Heidemoor am Moorbach" (Wasserdell)



„Dahlemer Binz“

"The "Dahlemer Binz" is a very complex, variedly structured area with a very high density of valuable near-natural FFH biotope types and occurrences of numerous endangered plant species at Dahlemer Binz airfield. Small chambered Calluna heaths and Nardus grasslands as well as heather ponds with rich floating leaf and reedbed vegetation in the sedimentation area are connected by fallow land.

The Nardus grasslands are predominantly outstanding. Due to their very good state of preservation, the heaths are also considered representative of the natural area. Finally, the ponds are sometimes exemplary in their vegetation zoning.

The primary goal is the preservation and redevelopment of the Nardus grasslands and heaths through bush clearance and extensive mowing as well as the preservation of the reed and floating leaf communities in the ponds by ensuring the water regime and water pollution control".

The project area "Dahlemer Binz"